A Kaleidoscope of Haiku – A new inspirational photo and seventeen-syllable haiku each day
Kaleidoscope Featured Excerpts – Emails with links to excerpts from the Kaleidoscope lenses
Wabi-Sabi Desktops – Downloadable high resolution photos with a single word (a common lens) for the month
Music, Miracles, Mystery – Weekly emails on eclectic topics like synchronicity, crop circles, quantum physics, and more
Fire and Ice – Weekly emails about how to FULLY be and fully BE during this time on earth
Contact Barbara – I’d love to connect! I appreciate your input, thoughts, requests, stories, photos…

Kaleidoscope Lenses – Interactive online booklets, each with a different focus in its stories, contemplations, and concepts
Leadership in a Challenging World: A Sacred Journey – Integrates leadership and global sustainability
Urban Nature Fine Art Prints – Photos with haiku available as Giclée prints (100% rag cotton with archival pigmented inks)
Healing Stones – Stone designs offering nourishment, support, and beauty. Connected to the Earth, Sun, Planets, and Stars!

Emotional Intelligence Coaching – Initiated with 360 feedback using Emotional and Social Competency Inventory
Leadership Development Coaching – One-on-one coaching with guided exploration using Kaleidoscope lenses
Team Development – Facilitated team dialogue and guided exploration using Kaleidoscope lenses
Special Online Events – On storytelling, emotional intelligence, deepening our virtual experiences, leadership, and coaching
Creative Services – Writing, design and design consulting, licensing of photos, working with InDesign, and creating logos
Wisdom Circles – By invitation, global dialogue and guided exploration