Houlton, Maine, April 8, 2024

We must see that consciousness is neither an isolated soul nor the mere function
of a single nervous system but of that totality of interrelated stars and galaxies
which makes a nervous system possible.. ~ Alan Watts

Something very exciting and hopeful is happening in the US at this moment. Beyond the eclipse itself, what first caught my attention were the smiles that abounded. The path of totality passed through some of the most populated parts of the country. In addition, a multitude of people from other parts of the country as well as other parts of the world arranged to be present. For a moment in time, differences and divisiveness didn’t matter. They melted away. To the contrary, there was a sense of common innocence and awe toward the sun and the moon, toward the Mystery of the Cosmos. And there was, at the same time, a sense of unity, harmony, and anticipation amongst the tens of millions of people who were watching the event. Together.

I did a bit of research to see what I could find about crime committed during the eclipse. I found many versions of one event where a woman in Florida was shooting at cars on an interstate because God told her to. Only one crazy? On the other hand, a headline in Rochester, NY, read “News10NBC Investigates: RPD reports no violent crime during peak eclipse hours.”

What came to mind for me was that it was a moment of expansion in our collective consciousness; a lifting of our collective vibration. We may not have registered it consciously, but it happened. We were and are – and will continue to be – impacted in positive ways. The actual eclipse happens for a brief moment, yes. However, an eclipse is like the peak of a mountain. First we climb the mountain over time to get to the peak. And following that, we descend down the other side. In other words, the influence of an eclipse goes on through time both before and after its moment of totality.

Another thing I noticed that points to expansion is the increased recognition of the Elegance and Mystery of the Cosmos: Four hundred to one. That’s the ratio between the sun and moon. The sun is 400 times wider than the moon. And it Is also 400 times further away from earth than the moon is. The result of this ratio was experienced yesterday in how the moon perfectly fits in front of the sun. What a divine design. I wonder how many people knew this ratio before the event. For those to whom it was new, they will never not know it going forward. And, as we hurl through space, it is just one example of the Elegance and Mystery of it All.

It was jarring, then, to return to the illusion we call the ‘real world’ without missing a beat. The ‘news’ went from being joyous during the eclipse to being divisive and hopeless almost immediately after: Trump ranting, Marjorie Taylor Green ranting, Zelensky begging, Netanyahu threatening, shootings, trials, arguments about who can regulate women’s bodies and how…. It was as though nothing had changed. And at the level of the obvious, I guess that’s true. Nothing has changed. But we are still different for having experienced this awesome and mysterious event together. I plan to pay attention to noticing both subtle and obvious signs of collective expansion as we descend the eclipse mountain over the coming weeks. I invite you to join me.

Astrological transits for April 8, 2024. From Jeff Linzer’s facebook page.