Mer-ka-ba is an Egyptian word. ‘Mer’ is translated as ‘Light’, ‘Ka’ refers to the spirit, and ‘Ba’ refers to the body. As Drunvalo Melchizedek writes in The Ancient Secret of The Flower of Life, “When you add these words together, my understanding of Mer-Ka-Ba is a counter-rotating field of light….though it is really much, much more. It is the creation pattern through which all that exists has originated.” The masculine Sun pyramid points up to the sky and rotates counterclockwise. The feminine Earth pyramid points down to the earth and rotates clockwise.
At some point when looking at the wall map, I saw that the sine or song formed by The StoneCircles and their sacred homes around Mother Earth was a Star of David. One triangle was formed by the tips of the sine in North America, Africa, and Asia. The other triangle was formed by the tips of the sine in South America, Europe, and Australia. The first tabletop crystal grid I learned to make was a 6-pointed star, a healing grid (inset).
That led me to see how The Celestial Rays might fit into the picture. Their only connection points with Mother Earth are above the poles. So somehow (who knows how?) it came to me to see what would happen if I connected the points on the Northern Hemisphere triangle to the South Pole and the points on the Southern Hemisphere triangle to the North Pole. When I did that, the result was the 3D Star of David, the Star Tetrahedron, or The Mer-Ka-Ba.
The StoneCircles and The Celestial Rays together form a complex healing grid
of light that encircles and embraces Mother Earth. Amazing! How did that happen?
In my wildest dreams I could not have imagined or planned it if I tried. What a gift
and privilege to steward this awe inspiring body of work. I am grateful.
Light equals life. When we bring more light into the body,
then we have a greater life force. ~ Dr. Pillai