Developing teamwork skills, creative processes, and establishing high-trust relationships that, together, define a high performing team
General Process:
- Team leader orientation
- Team leader and facilitator explore development needs together
- Facilitator meets with team members to learn their perspectives on current and desired states
- Determine whether the facilitator is a behind-the-scenes coach to an internal facilitator or present at the sessions
- Team leader and facilitator design their alliance (including what success looks like)
- Selecting x number of Kaleidoscope lenses for exploration
- Defining how we will work with the lenses together
- Team sessions with a focus on one lens for each
- Ongoing evaluation
- Closure meeting
Your Facilitators:
Barbara began her consulting and coaching business more than 35 years ago with two areas of focus
- Individual development through individual and peer coaching and programs for leadership development
- Organization development and effectiveness through supporting teamwork and right relationship
Many of the stories and conceptual models in the Kaleidoscope lenses come directly from Barbara’s life experiences and what she has learned from them. Her stories will spark yours as well. She has been serving as a coach and team facilitator throughout the years with global organizations including Honeywell, Chemical Bank of New York, Cargill, and The United Nations (in Africa). References available upon request.
Val’s consulting practice is focused primarily on leadership development and team facilitation. Among other roles, she was the Global Lead for Leadership Development at Cargill. She has been an invaluable partner with Barbara on the development of the Kaleidoscope lenses and the Urban Nature Fine Art Prints over the last three years. References available on request.
Other highly regarded colleagues may join in from time to time.
- A free introductory call
- PDFs of selected Kaleidoscope lenses
- Coaching and facilitation from orientation through closure
Negotiated based on
- The project scope and roles
- How we design our teamwork alliance (number of sessions, number of lenses, who is the actual facilitator, etc.)
- Finding a mutually beneficial place where we all feel respected and valued
- Generally in the range of $3000 – $5000 per lens