
Explore elements that traverse all of the Kaleidoscope lenses. Some examples are coaching, emotional intelligence, deepening our virtual experiences, leadership, storytelling, photography, vision, hope, and mindfulness.

  • Offered as scheduled online webinars
  • Contracted for a specific organization or group within an organization
Your Guide:

Barbara began her consulting and coaching business more than 35 years ago with two areas of focus

  • Individual development through individual and peer coaching and programs for leadership development
  • Organization development and effectiveness through supporting teamwork and right relationship

Many of the stories and conceptual models in the Kaleidoscope lenses come directly from Barbara’s life experiences and what she has learned from them. Her stories and natural skill will spark yours as well. She is a storyteller, artist, and photographer. She wrote a book on conscious leadership entitled Leadership in a Challenging World: A Sacred Journey. Here’s what one CEO had to say about it.  In addition, throughout these many years she has served as a program designer and facilitator in milieu ranging from large global corporations to small local NGOs to The United Nations (in Africa).

References available upon request.

Investment negotiated based on:
  • Whether it is a standard or tailored design
  • Your ability to pay
  • Finding a mutually beneficial place where we both feel respected and valued
1. Contact us to schedule a free introductory call if you would like to organize a special event
2. Watch for postings and emails of upcoming scheduled events that might interest you